Putnam Municipal Building
LLB Architects developed a relationship with the Town of Putnam while conducting a feasibility study on the Armory to determine whether it would be suitable for a renovation and conversion project. Ultimately, the Putnam Facilities Study Group decided that a newly constructed building was a better investment. However, they stipulated that the structure would need to house three separate entities: the town hall, the public library, and the Aspinock Historical Society of Putnam. The Study Group engaged our firm to conduct a feasibility study to develop a building to serve the diverse needs of all three departments within a single municipal building.
Our design team worked with each department of the town hall, the library director, and the municipal historian to create appropriate programming, as well as the schematic design for a compressed building. The group favored a reserved two-story design to mitigate excess costs and create greater efficiency. We designed a building that creates a sense of place and civic pride while connecting the three entities in a single structure. The building is accessible from both the parking lot and the Town Green.