Gender & Sexuality Center at the University of Rhode Island
The Gender & Sexuality Center at the University of Rhode Island (URI) is the first of its kind in the United States. The project included the demolition of the 4,000 sf Ruggles House and the design and construction of a two-story wood structure of approximately 5,000 sf. The program spaces include multipurpose rooms, a student lounge and resource area, a kitchen, and office space. The site development also included parking and landscaping.
The design of the G&SC at URI is inspired by themes found in history and daily LGBTQ life. The stone facade on one volume of the building represents the strength and permanence of diversity while recognizing the 1968 Stonewall Riot in Greenwich Village. The pergola over the front entrance is representative of how often the community has had to be hidden. As a celebration of acceptance, the pergola is now a safe and open presence welcoming visitors to the Center.
Landscape plan by Birchwood Design Group