Central Congregational Church

November 3rd, 2009

Central Congregational Church, located on Angell Street in Providence, Rhode Island, suffered from a plethora of exterior problems, some of which were not originally apparent to the members of
the congregation. This list included deteriorated masonry joints, spalling and mismatched brickwork, cracked and chipped terra-cotta, and efflorescence on masonry surfaces indicating moisture penetration.

After a thorough study conducted by LLB Architects with an assembled team of industry professionals, a plan of thorough and
meticulous restoration was formed and quickly begun. Photo-documentation served to both gain additional information on the project and efficiently communicate directions between several
consultants. To better facilitate the church, a phased five-year schedule for projected work was established, detailing major goals and milestones.

Tasks for the restoration project include replacement of masonry around the main entrance, installation of new flashing, and careful documenting, cutting, recasting, and replacing of terra-cotta elements.  

Moses Brown School Facilities Audit

October 15th, 2009

Moses Brown School, founded in 1784, is an independent, college preparatory school, enrolling students from nursery through grade 12. LLB Architects was retained by the School to complete a Campus Facilities Audit for purposes of campus budget projection and project planning. The survey included documentation of 22 buildings and 27 site entities ranging from historic to modern. The resulting analysis of deficiencies and general status was a distillation of observations made by a team comprised of multiple disciplines: architectural, structural, mechanical, plumbing, fire protection, kitchen, landscape, and civil, with a separate cost consultant engaged to assign values to each observation.
In efforts to streamline data entry and comprehension, LLB developed an innovative electronic database to organize observations by building elements, utilizing the UNIFORMAT classification method, the same method by which R.S. Means organizes their cost data. The database also applies standard use codes for all facility spaces, and qualitative categorization of observations rate items by condition and priority of actioin. This structure allowed observations and recommendations to be as variable and detailed as conditions warranted while retaining their future usefulness for the School.
The final product included a sortable database, hardcopy summary report, and drawing index of all buildings and elements on campus. These easily navigated tools not only fulfilled the requirements of the audit, they inherently contained structured information that the school had not anticipated but which can be utilized for various purposes including tracking of space use, room keying, and numbering. The data collected in this audit can continue to provide viable budget and planning information to the school as it changes and grows long into the future.

Community Preparatory School Feasibility Studies

October 15th, 2009

LLB Architects has been working with the Community Preparatory School (CPS) in Providence since 2002. The Community Preparatory is an independent middle school serving grades 3 through 8. CPS challenges minority and low-income children of Rhode Island to succeed in college-preparatory high-school programs and to become community leaders. About 97% of CPS graduates move onto college-preparatory high school programs.

Over the years we have completed numerous feasibility studies to expand the land-locked urban school, both at their current location with the purchase and closing of Somerset Street, as well as at other sites in South and West Providence. In addition to master planning, over the years we have assisted with building projects such as library and computer lab renovations, fire code upgrades, boiler plant replacement, and classroom renovations to make room for the first class of kindergartners of the Southside Elementary Charter School.

In 2015, LLB completed a conceptual study for an addition and renovation of the Community Preparatory School’s main building in Providence. Funded as part of a $14,000,000 capital campaign, the project includes the addition of a new office wing providing much needed administrative space for the School and a new entry giving the campus a notable arrival point.